In celebration of the 60th Anniversary of the March on Washington August 28, 2023 and the continuation of "The Dream" of Martin Luther King Jr.,
Regen360 Collective invites you to participate in building a “Circular Economy” that can benefit all “Humanity and the Planet”; Utilizing collective resources to conserve and regenerate the world for future generations.
Based on the practices outlined in “Rethinking Humanity” by James Arbib & Tony Seba. Along with the Center for Economic and Social Justice's “Just Third Way”, To establish Community Land Trusts, Cooperatives, and ESOPs.
“We're Coming To Get Our Check”, Our “Collective” is Rethinking Humanity’s Responsibility to Regenerate Our Common Home
Rethinking Humanity
“As we enter the most disruptive decade in human history, with every sector of the economy on the cusp of disruption, this failure matters. Whether we are planning investments, education, social and environmental policy, or infrastructure spending, narrow linear mindsets blind us to the emerging possibilities and the pace and scale of change approaching – society is hurtling towards the future with a blindfold on.”
Intro to Just Third Way
The Just Third Way, Pg.7,8 Sect. 3,4
[There is] a “Just Third Way”!
… No “third way” is a true third way or a “Just Third Way” if it:
Does not economically empower the people,
Keeps economic and social power, especially over advanced technologies, concentrated in the hands of an elite,
Keeps most people in a status of servile dependency on the State or other people, …
Lacks a structured system for closing the gap between the rich and the poor within the evolving global marketplace,
Forces the environment to absorb costs that, if consumers had adequate purchasing power, could be reflected in a just price for goods and services, …
Defining the Just Third Way
The “Just Third Way” is a free market system that economically empowers all individuals and families through direct and effective ownership of the means of production.
From the standpoint of moral philosophy, this new paradigm views healthy self interest as a virtue (i.e., where individual good is directed toward, or in harmony with, the common good). It views greed and envy, on the other hand, as vices, both destructive of a moral and just society. In contrast to capitalism that institutionalizes greed (creating monopolies and special privileges), or socialism that institutionalizes envy (through coerced leveling and artificial barriers to creative initiatives), the “Just Third Way” institutionalizes justice, tapping on the full creative potential of every human being. …